Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Funniest Gaffe This Election Season: You Pick

The results of last week's [A] Funny Poll . . . .

Would you go gay for Rachel Maddow?

Yes: 9
No: 3
I don't have to: 7

Nineteen in total! The most ever! I know 19 isn't a whole lot, but I'm still happy.

I hope the total increases with the new poll question. This week's [A] Funny Poll question is:

"What was the funniest gaffe of the presidential campaign?" 

I've narrowed it down to 4 hilarious choices. To help you decide, here are the videos of those gaffes.

Joe Biden tells Missouri State Senator Chuck Graham to stand up, despite the fact that he's in a wheel chair. But it looks like he apologizes. Aw. I had this weird dream last night that Joe Biden and I donated blood together. Kind of random.

John McCain agrees that Western Pennsylvanians are racist and then tries to correct himself. And then he explodes.

Barack Obama claims to have visited 57 out of 59 states. Even if he meant to say forty, this would still be gaffe-alicious. You're leading in all the polls, Barack, but will you prevail in mine? We shall see!

And lastly, Sarah Palin. Not any particular gaffe. Just Sarah Palin. But here are a few just for good measure.

Sarah Palin doesn't know what the Vice President does.

Sarah Palin can't name a newspaper.

Sarah Palin thinks supporters are protestors and scolds them.

Leave your other favorites in comments!

1 comment:

Kristen said...

John McCain agrees that Western Pennsylvanians are racist and then tries to correct himself. And then he explodes.

I laughed my ASS off when I saw that, and still laugh any time I think about it. He really, really must have wanted to kick himself in the head after that - and I wonder if his wife almost laughed. It was just too funny.

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